Friday, April 23, 2010

Just few updates:

1) Took the AFAST on Wednesday, scored a 140 (on 1.5 hours of sleep, which probably wasn't the best idea ever). I'm very happy with that.

2) Went in for my three-month post-op checkup for LASIK, and I am *officially* 20/15. I can't believe it! Got the paperwork filled out, so I need to send that to my recruiter so he can forward it to MEPS so I can get cleared to do the physical.

3) Completed all my graduation paperwork, so I am officially graduating with a Bachelors in June of this year. Phew! Now to just focus on my grades (and PT PT PT).

4) Took a fixed-wing intro flight Wednesday evening. I'm thinking of perhaps trying to go for my PPL (or as close to it as possible) this summer. It was fantastic, but I honestly couldn't stop thinking about helicopters, so we'll see.

5) I had my first day of training for the Census last week, and start my "real" training on Tuesday. Can't wait until the checks start rolling in, although I have this funny feeling all my income will go towards flight training.... B) 

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I've never been so busy in my life, but I keep reminding myself that it will all definitely be worth it in the end (that, and a steady dose of Forza Coffee Company - I wouldn't be surprised if they started charging me rent, since I'm there so often).

So, technically on the WOFT front nothing has happened - it is essentially a waiting game until my 3-month LASIK post-op exam so that I can proceed to the MEPS Physical and then the Flight Physical. My LASIK appointment is April 23rd. I am scheduled to take the AFAST on April 21st. My packet is due on May 15th for the July board. Crunch time, indeed. I'm also waiting on two more letters of recommendation to come in, continuing to edit my essay, and just finished creating a badass resume using the military resume format. Also, I've gotten really into running and now have to force myself to take "off" days so as to avoid an overuse injury and set myself back. Hopefully I will score well on the APFT when I have to take it, and ace it by the time the boards roll around (not sure when that will be).

On the school front, things are nuts. I am taking 25 credits (5 classes) this quarter, 15 of which are 400-level courses. Even if I didn't have WOFT to worry about I'd be stressed. I also have to finish up my graduation portfolio that is due Friday, which is required to graduate. My last final is June 10th, and then I'll be done.

Also, I was recently hired for an Enumerator position with the U.S. Census Bureau which starts at the end of April and is 20-40 hours per week. It will be for two months, so basically until the end of June. However, that means that I must finish as much homework and WOFT stuff as possible now so that I don't have to worry about it when I start my job. I intend to use the money from that for more flying lessons (I haven't flown since Nov. 18), and maybe a short trip to Europe with a friend. We'll see.

Apologies for not updating this blog in over a month. Simply put, I have been exhausted.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, March has kind of snuck up on me. Realized that my WOFT Packet is due in 2.5 months (for the July board), and I graduate from the University of Washington in just over three months. Two more weeks of this quarter, and then just one quarter left to go!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

WSDOT Search & Rescue - Advanced Helo Ops

Trained today using the Snohomish County Sheriff's UH-1H Huey! Dream come true. The downwash is incredible and the machine is a beauty.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

*Insert Choir Music Here*

It's a miracle, a bloody miracle! I can SEE!!!

Seriously though, it's great. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't have contacts I need to take out before I go to sleep. I wake up in the morning and think "oh ****, did I leave my contacts in?"

On my one-day post-op, I was measured at 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other. My far-sighted vision is absolutely incredible. My near vision is taking longer to return properly; things look a bit blurry up close, but that is apparently normal and should get better in the next few days. My night vision is pretty decent, actually, just bright car lights and street lamps look bigger, but I definitely see well enough to drive.

The surgery itself wasn't bad at all. It was uncomfortable, but SO quick it was totally worth it, and really not a big hassle. After the surgery, I just felt like I needed to keep my eyes closed because they were really sensitive to light, but no real pain per se. Six hours later, I could open my eyes and see the news ticker on CNN from across the hotel room. It was *incredible*.

These next few days will be interesting as my vision continues to improve and stabilize. So far, best decision of my life!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I get my LASIK done tomorrow afternoon, in Portland. So no computer for at least a day, I believe, so it may be a few days until I update...but when I do, I will no longer be blind!

Technology is great.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Completed the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Aviation Search and Rescue Orientation Course yesterday. I just have to renew my CPR/First Aid/AED certs, send that in, and then get my Emergency Worker Card.

On the 30th, I will be participating in WSDOT ASAR's Advanced Helicopter Rescue course, and then Mission Scanner training sometime in March, and I should be good-to-go on real missions.

And, of course, LASIK on Thursday!!