Friday, April 23, 2010

Just few updates:

1) Took the AFAST on Wednesday, scored a 140 (on 1.5 hours of sleep, which probably wasn't the best idea ever). I'm very happy with that.

2) Went in for my three-month post-op checkup for LASIK, and I am *officially* 20/15. I can't believe it! Got the paperwork filled out, so I need to send that to my recruiter so he can forward it to MEPS so I can get cleared to do the physical.

3) Completed all my graduation paperwork, so I am officially graduating with a Bachelors in June of this year. Phew! Now to just focus on my grades (and PT PT PT).

4) Took a fixed-wing intro flight Wednesday evening. I'm thinking of perhaps trying to go for my PPL (or as close to it as possible) this summer. It was fantastic, but I honestly couldn't stop thinking about helicopters, so we'll see.

5) I had my first day of training for the Census last week, and start my "real" training on Tuesday. Can't wait until the checks start rolling in, although I have this funny feeling all my income will go towards flight training.... B) 


Troy said...

Hi! I just want to say, your level of determination is inspiring and really did me a favor last week. Let me introduce myself, I'm Troy, I'm 22, and I share your passion for helicopters. I'm already a licensed pilot, but due to the lack of jobs, and my loans that need paying off, I'm applying for WOFT. Unfortunately, I have had some VERY bad luck with my recruiters. I had an appointment to take the flight physical at 8 AM at a base about a 3 hour drive from where I live, so my recruiter was going to pick me up at 4:30. I was up at 4, and decided to do some last minute googling of what the flight physical entailed. Somehow I came across your blog. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I was interested. I read for 15-20 minutes and was very inspired. By this time it was about 5 AM and no one showed up. I started making some phone calls. I couldn't get a hold of anyone. Honestly, if I hadn't been reading your blog, I probably would have just gone back to sleep, but I thought, if you can take 25 units, and be that self-motivated about all this, I can at least drive up there myself. I wasn't sure if they'd let me in to the base without my recruiter (they wouldn't for the ASVAB), but I guess I got lucky. Told them my story at the gate, they let me in, got the physical done and I still haven't heard back from my recruiters (it was a week ago). Isn't that terrible? Anyway, sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to say thank you and good luck. Maybe we'll end up in flight training together!

Unknown said...

Hi, I stumbled across your blog while researching WOFT. I was pleasantly surprised to see you're a female, as I'm trying to get insight from the female perspective. I was wondering if you made it into the June class? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


lindsey said...

Troy and Shantall - if you see this, I'm so sorry! I've been so busy that I completely forgot about this blog. I'd love to talk with both of you more about WOFT. Long story short, I'm still in the process, but I'm curious as to where you guys are at.

When you get this, drop me an email at: lindsey dot kanno at gmail dot com.

Again, sorry!!

Anonymous said...
