Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Holy mother of God, it's December. When did that happen? All of a sudden everything becomes way more pressing and urgent; deadlines are fast approaching, and the amount of studying I have to do the first half of this month isn't even funny.

I've got a little whiteboard in my room that has calendar markings. I wiped November clean and filled in everything that's going on for December...

A brief summary:

The rest of this week (Dec. 2 - Dec. 5) 
Class all day Thursday, with three papers due (and this is without procrastinating...)
Two Letter of Recommendation interviews

Next week (Dec. 6 - Dec. 12)
ASVAB on Monday - need to study like hell for that
Class all day Tuesday
Class all day Thursday + 2 finals
Drive down to Portland on Friday to get another LASIK consultation
Volunteer at the USO on Saturday

Week of Dec. 13-19
USO on Monday
Final on Tuesday + Research Paper & Extra Credit due
AFAST on Wednesday - also need to study VERY hard for this test
Final on Thursday
Friday - ideally, I'll get LASIK on this day, but this is dependent on a number of factors.

Not to mention the studying I've been doing for Helicopter ground school. I'm aiming to complete at least the PPL and Commercial written tests before I apply for the May/June WOFT boards. Why not?

Also working on the previously mentioned AOPA ASF Courses and FEMA Courses. I need to figure out a way to scrounge up some money so I can convert the FEMA courses to college credit; around $300 for four courses.

I also have a goal of completing my "Why I want to be an Army Aviator" Essay and Resume by Christmas. My present to myself = less stress. :)

The good news is that by the end of December I'll have completed a lot of things on my WOFT To-Do List. After that it's just waiting for the LoRs to roll in, wait the 3 months after LASIK for my MEPS physical and Flight Physical, take the APFT (need to get in better shape...), and (*gulp*) go before the Battalion Board.

Sorry for the rambling!

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