Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Well, this journey is definitely a test of my patience. I was supposed to take the AFAST tomorrow, talked to my recruiter earlier today and everything to finalize stuff...only to get a call about 10 minutes ago saying that he forgot to do the projection paperwork. No AFAST tomorrow, in other words. Rescheduled for January 6th.

Trying to look at this as a blessing in disguise. At least now I'll have more time to study, although I really just wanted to get it over with and done.

Welcome to the Army, folks!


sethmeredith said...

Yeah, I had to wait for like over a month since the firt time i was "supposed" to take it. It's okay, just don't stress and get used to stuff like that.

lindsey said...

Haha, yeah, I'm certainly getting used to it. It's aggravating, but certainly not a huge deal. Good luck to you in January!