Thursday, November 20, 2008


At keeping this blog going, anyway. I have been thinking of creating a new one, with a slightly different focus. More serious, for one. Regardless, that is a decision for a later date, when I am more alert. 

For now, a new list.

My top 10 favorite things, currently.
1) My new compass. Oh my god, it is incredible. It has measurement markings galore, has a glow-in-the-dark bezel, a shiny mirror, and adjustable declination! What else could you ask for?
2) The Reed Library. Southeast stacks, specifically. There is nothing more welcomed than a warm, silent library when faced with an overwhelming amount of work.
3) Search and Rescue. I mean, c'mon. There are few things more satisfying than barreling (accurately) down a forested mountain face off-trail for long distances while following a precise bearing.
4) Shipping. Sorry, the economist in me adores things like shipping. Later, I will try to voice a more articulate reason why. For now, it's simply because revolves around:
5) Efficiency. Not which-is-the-better lightbulb efficiency, but the kind that is centered on realism, logic, and brilliance. See #4.
6) Industrial districts. I guess this all revolves around efficiency, doesn't it? I love shipping depots, warehouses, docks, cranes, railroads, powerlines.
7) Fleece blankets. The season is upon us, folks.
8) Target's online application. You want to, for once, fill out a logical and reasonable application, that actually has an option for "currently in college"? Here you go. It's incredible.
9) Guayaki. My lifesaver on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when I seem to just not be able to focus for two long econ classes in a row.
10) Sleeping in a tarp shelter on a 60 degree night at the top of Larch Mountain. 

Saturday, June 21, 2008

i didn't go to work on thursday or friday 'cause of allergies and allergy testing. though i called the office like ten times, and went in once to get my paycheck. 

i dreamed last night about zip codes and marking maps. is that healthy? 

i think i have separation anxiety. 
three weeks of work. i can't even count the hours. i was promoted to field manager, though! hoorah! although this means i'm at the office at 1:00pm and out around 11:00, 11:30pm. five days a week. you do the math.

in other news, i am allergic to many things, apparently. the nurse pricked my arms all over the place with different allergens yesterday morning, and the areas where grasses and cats were applied are still red and itchy. jesus. 

had a bass lesson this morning. awesome, as usual. i think i'm going to be taking lessons from chris funk, as well. he's teaching guitar. now that i have an income, i'm not so apprehensive about all this, and am instead just excited. why are decemberists so cool? 

also, the albina press is awesome. their iced americanos kill. mmm. and i'm definitely going there to study during the school year, because it's an awesome atmosphere. not too hipstery either. always a plus. 


Friday, May 30, 2008

maura just tipped me off on a coffee place - the ugly mug - that is in cycling distance of the house. at least this'll make me work on my bike. maybe. i think i'll give it a shot tomorrow.

also, i've made awesome headway on this bass thing. made up my own bass line to a built to spill song. woohoo!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

i am very distressed. after much internet-hunting and walking around, i discovered that there is NO GOOD COFFEE AROUND HERE. NONE. only friggin' starbucks. why why why? i expect this from federal way, but at least they have a tully's! a minor step above starfucks, but westmoreland doesn't even have that! ugh.

what to do, what to do...
sweeeeeet. learned "Sugar Pill" (Demo version) by Ambulance Ltd., more scale theory, a Herbie Hancock song, and the basics of "Liar" by Built to Spill.

right now, though, i need some coffee. then zach and i work on the house for the rest of the day, because god knows it needs it.
agh bass lesson in twelve hours and i haven't practiced enough! oh no nate don't kill me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

sigh. i'm not quite fully independent, apparently. because my parents have my birth certificate, passport, etc. i couldn't start work today. secondary identification blah blah blah. transparent politics is (are?) good, but this is ridiculous. i had a scanned passport, after all. geez.

i'm starting to think twice about this job. i mean, to be fair, i haven't started yet. but usually i'd be really excited for this type of work. i don't know. i think reed is just making me really cynical of everything. critical thinking gone a little too far? we analyze everything but never seem to make the leap from criticism of policy and ideas to forming ideas about how to make it better. we break down but don't build.

i don't know what's up with my mood. everything is perfect, but i guess i just feel a huge disconnect from everything. the house is awesome, don't get me wrong, but it feels very isolated. quiet.

what is the world doing?
i lied i lied i lied. just bought the newest (not really new) Norfolk & Western record on vinyl from Hush Record's website. But to be fair, I had a five dollar off coupon from Mr. Crouch because the free download thing screwed up when I bought Laura Gibson's ep from them last time. I friggin love Hush. Hoping to volunteer there over the summer, once they get settled into their new HQ.

I start work today (in twelve hours, actually!). Not sure what to think. Hopefully it'll be fun, but I guess we'll really just have to see. It'll be nice to bring home a paycheck, though.

Friday, May 23, 2008

been buying waaaaay too many records. not going to go record shopping again until after I get paid from my job. and even then we'll see.

also completely moved into the new house and learning how to be completely independent--i.e. forage for food.

going to bend tomorrow! decemberists/death cab/mates of state. woop!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Been moving since 9 o'clock last night, egh. I did get sleep though, thank god. And lunch. Right now I'm about 90% moved in, but there's still a lot of other people who have stuff. It's going to be a long day.

In other news--the Decemberists are playing at the Obama rally I'm going to on Sunday! And it's free! This year has been amazing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am never going to pick up a copy of the Willamette Week again.

Will write more later in response to this slanderous article, but right now I've got to finish this paper. For now, though, read the near 200 comments. For the most part, well-spoken and true.
Yay! Someone from the Colin show finally sent me the picture she took of Carson Ellis and me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yes! Aced chem and especially econ! It was so easy, like whoa. And I seriously thought I was going to get like three points. The last question was even an analysis of the proposed "gas-tax holiday" by McCain and Clinton. Woohoo! It was neat being able to argue economically why that's such bullshit.

Just a hum paper to whiz through, and then I'm done with freshman year! Gonna go get boxes tomorrow, I think. And check out some sweet bass amps.
I never have to do chemistry again. AWESOME.

Also, I blew that test out of the water. Yesssssssss.
alice just told me an awesome joke about mario's pants. i'm still smiling.

Monday, May 12, 2008

i think i'm set for chemistry. just have to quickly review rate laws, but then i should be fine. econ is another story, though. agh.
done! off to decompress, eat lunch, and then study like hell for chem and econ. oh man.
in the middle of my humanities final. bah. thank god for electronic finals. it's so awesome to listen to music and take tests.

had a starbucks doubleshot this morning and all it did is make my stomach hurt. i guess i should get back to my final. i'm good on eight out of ten quote id's, and have outlines for the two essays. gonna go do the second essay, then finish up the quote id's, then do the first essay. hoorah for doing things out of order.


p.s. by the way, "colin meloy sings sam cooke" is amazing. also features laura gibson. sooooo good. ah, folk. i need to listen to more of that.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

sooooo tired.

if i'm going to get more studying done, then i've got to go get a red bull. down to homer's i go!

EDIT: Great success! Got the last two RockStars and a Starbucks doubleshot for tomorrow morning's hum final. Off to do more studying!
Just printed out nine full chem practice tests, and three review sheets. Also have to go back and review all the hum reading, and then print out/study the econ review packet, which is probably super long, considering how they've been for regular tests. Also gonna call my parents, especially since it's mother's day and all.

Damn, I still have to write that hum paper. Erg.

EDIT: Absolutely destroying "I'll Take You There" on bass. Ooooh yeah.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

my top ten favorite things (currently):

1. my new model ship, named fred. he's otherwise known as the "fragata siglo XVIII." he's quite pretty, and can be viewed below.
2. maps! i've been surfing ebay for a large vintage world map that i can tack to the wall of my room in the new house.
3. colored walls! my room next year is going be green! a nice green, too. i've only ever had white walls, so this is really exciting.
4. bass lessons with nate query. he's awesome. and basses are sexy.
5. records--my friends have slowly peaked my interest in records, and i am now addicted. my collection is slowly but surely growing!
6. laura gibson - "if you come to greet me" is awesome, particularly on vinyl, with all the crackling. go buy it.
7. "underworld" by don delilo. i'd read half of the 800 page monster over winter break, but mistakenly left it at home. i brought it back with me last thursday. spectacular read.
8. sumatra coffee. i blame max and nick.
9. discovering new places in southeast portland. i was driving to my bass lesson and didn't even know that part of portland existed. am excited to go check it out during the summer.
10. the sound of helicopter rotors going thwop-thwop. and one of the few things i miss about being home in federal way: being directly in the flight path of mcchord afb, which meant all the c-130 cargo planes rumbling by at low altitude, shaking the house. man i miss that roar.

till next time,

p.s. in case you're curious-i've got a paper to write. read: procrastination.
here he is!

frederick, or "fred" for short.
autorotation: noun. the condition of flight occurring when lift is derived solely from the action of air upon the unpowered rotor of a moving helicopter.

Today - picking up a model ship off of Craigslist at 2pm, to be placed proudly on top of the fireplace mantle at the new house. also writing a paper that was due two weeks ago, but due to the grace of Jan, not technically due until the 15th. studying chemistry.
Tomorrow - devoted to studying for econ. i hope that test won't throttle me like i think it will.
Monday - hum (humanities 110) final from eight 'till noon.
Tuesday - chem in the morning, econ at night. then i'm all done with freshman year!

then a flurry of packing and moving stuff to the new house in Westmoreland, SE Portland. Alright!

In other news: I've started bass lessons with Decemberists' bassist Nate Query in North Portland, and it's been swell. Learned Perfect Crime #2, Architect, some Pixies, a song called "Pusherman" and some theory. been developing some heavy calluses on the fingers of my left hand. ouch.